Monday, October 5, 2015

Wandering Copenhagen

For only being in the city two days, I feel I got a good taste of the people and culture. Copenhagen is a capitol city, but it feels much calmer and quieter than Berlin. The biking culture blew me away and it was hard returning the bike I rented for a day since it was so nice to be able to ride around without the fear I'm used to in the States.
I'd love to return one day and get to explore some of the neighborhoods I rushed through with my limited time.

Free Copenhagen Walking Tours are highly recommended. Our tour guide was a Canadian, the guy with the umbrella and big backpack, who has been living in the city for the past 5 years. Very enthusiastic for his adopted city.

CS Meetup at Osterbro's Perle
I got to the Couchsurfing meetup a bit early and got to hear the regulars hanging out, talking about their day. I actually have no idea what they were talking about, as they were speaking Danish, but it was pretty clear they were all regulars who like each other's company.

Kiosks are to Copenhagen as Späties are to Berlin. Also, check out those prams just hanging outside the yoga studio. It's easy to operate one of those things when walking and trains are the primary mode of transportation. Even buses here make it easy to load. Makes me a bit envious.

 The famous Bike Snake river crossing, getting to watch an old-timey sailing ship pass by.

Soaking up the sun in the waning days of summer in the King's Garden Park. 

 LIBRARY! I happened upon this building wandering in the Center my first day, which was quite fortunate, as WiFi is not easy to come across in this city.

 After a long day at work, groups of people come out to the many bridges crossing the lakes to enjoy some drinks and soak in the last rays of the sun. And just look at that bike lane. *drool*

"Foreigners, Don't Leave Us Alone With The Danes."
I saw this sign on 3 businesses on this corner. A call for tourists to wander in, knowing someone inside speaks English?