Saturday, October 31, 2015

Couchsurfing Potluck Dinner

Bernard (Bernie) responded to my Couchsurfing request to show me his city by inviting me to a Wednesday dinner at his place. Coming with the expectation of a few friends around a table, I should have known better growing up in a Mexican family where one person invites a friend, which snowballs into the dinner turning into a little party.

Another fabulous Guadalajara mural I happened upon on my walk to my host's house.

 My contribution of Pan de Muerto, a traditional bread made for Día de Muertos, and a delicious salad being prepared.

 Bernie cooking up some potatoes and onions. Our entire meal (besides the bread I brought) was vegan.

 Adorable kitten didn't want to be left out of the evening's fun.

A group of Australians who had never met each other before ran into each other the previous day in Guadalajara and realized they were all from Melbourne. The gentleman on the left has been living across the street from Bernie for the past 4 months, so he invited them all to dinner. No one could resist the cuteness of the cats.

 Our host set up a lovely table on the roof. There weren't enough plates or utensils to go around, but being a sharing group, we didn't mind treating the dinner as finger food with communal plates.