Sunday, October 18, 2015

Hiking to the Hollywood Sign

The great outdoors. Even in L.A., there's plenty of opportunities to get away from the urban environment, right in the city.
Located in the same park as the Griffiths Observatory, there are a few paths to get to the Hollywood sign, I chose a 6.5 mile hike that starts at Canyon Drive that just happens to be right next to the Bronson Caves, also known as the Batcave from the 60's Batman. Quite a treat.

 The path leading to the Bronson Caves, leading away from the trailhead to the Hollywood sign.

Na na na na na na na na, Batman!

Utility belted up and ready to go!
 The start of our 3 hour journey.

 Not a lot of graffiti found on the trail, but a dragon greeted us toward the beginning of the hike.

 Enjoying a rest on *the* bench found on the trail. A very Seattle overcast day, quite nice for the Easy-Moderate hike.

 Looking back at the halfway point of our journey.

 Horses can be rented from another starting point of the hike. They're not actually allowed near the sign, but there are lots of trails winding the Hollywood Hills.

 A peak of the sign as we round the corner, still a good 30 minutes walking to go.

Looking away from the sign, we see a peak of the wonderful Griffiths Observatory.

 The trail diverges for people that might not be interested in ascending the peak. Going left takes you to a nice view of the front of the sign, going right leads to the back.
"Fuck the System"
A faint message calling out to the world.

 Lots of famous benefactors maintain the grounds of the Hollywood Hills.

 The closest you're allowed to get to the sign. On our way up, we saw a group of guys being escorted down the hill in the back of a cop car, not an uncommon site in this well guarded site.

 The final peak!

Enjoying a well earned rest before starting our descent.