Monday, October 12, 2015

Art Around Seattle

A brief respite in my city of origin, the graffiti scene in Seattle isn't as rambunctious as it is in Berlin, but there are some interesting pieces you can find if you keep your eyes open as you wander the streets.

A timely reminder

 "Drool Busters" next to "Creamy Mexican Power Melting Angels Rubber Dolphinz"
The banisters over I-5 always provide a different point of view on the world.

 Our current local corporate overlord has its share of critics. Being among them, I can't entirely disagree with this poster.

"Lettucechill" "You're standing there reading this and it's all just nothing. It's totally beautiful, and the more nothing it gets, the more beautiful it is."
Sometimes we need some guidance on how to approach the world.

 A duck from the shadows...

"Phillip Morris: Baby Killer"

 Mirrored displays hung all over the Hill. This one found outside Seattle Central College. 
No rhyme, no reason, just art for the public.

 A display from one of our local gatherings of the nerds, PAX, from local game company 'Wizards of the Coast'.

Perhaps this warrior can save us from...
Post-It displays courtesy of my local gaming hangout, Raygun Lounge.
Kites in the Freeway Park
A welcome reminder of summer days as autumn descends on the city.