Monday, December 14, 2015

Parques Agua Azul y Mirador Independencia

Having been cooped up in classes for most of the month, it was only in my last week that I had time to wander and appreciate the parks Guadalajara has to offer. The city is dotted with green spaces, large and small. On this Wednesday, I visited two- one in the south of the city and another on its northern edge. All thanks to a great BRT line.

But first, a library! A beauty attached to the University of Guadalajara.

Agua Azul Agua

Park entrance is free, because Guadalajara is yours.

There's a lot to do at Agua Azul.

An aviary fills the north side of the park.

The lucky birds get to live in the large sanctuary.

 I had a little buddy guiding me around for most of my visit. Always sure to point out the closest pajatito.
And then I got chased out of the sanctuary by this pushy little bugger. 

A pyramid just for Orchids.
Mostly dormant for the winter.

A geodesic butterfly dome. 

A relaxing way to spend a lazy afternoon.

The heroes of Mexico are honored all over.
I'm actually not quite sure who this is, but his prominence speaks to me of the Revolución.

One of the largest flower vendor areas of the city lives right outside Agua Azul. Not sure why, it's just the way it is.

A block south of the park is the BRT station, ready to take me to the great Canyon of Mexico.

A popular park built overlooking Huetintín Canyon. For people that aren't into hiking, but love observing nature.

A view to take the breath away.

Lovers locks, popular the world over.

With one of the University campuses right next door, the park is a popular place for students to hang out.