Thursday, December 31, 2015

Bibiloteca Publica del Ejercito y Fuerza Area Mexicanos

I bet you've been wondering when I was going to write about the libraries of Guadalajara. Unfortunately, due to my school schedule and having unlimited WiFi at both school and hostel, I didn't need to seek out a library during most of the month.
I finally wandered across from one the day before I left the city and it did not disappoint.

What better way to end out the year than take you on a tour of an army gunpowder factory turned public library.

Thank you everyone who has been reading my blog and given me support on this new journey. I'm looking forward to 2016 and sharing with you even more about the people and places that make each city an amazing place to live.

The bookstore is available for all your souvenir needs.

Card catalog! I almost squeeled when I saw this, remembering the days of my youth shuffling through the cards to find the location of that elusive book on Roman mythology or chemistry. 

And there is a catalog on computer, as well, for those who aren't one to get tripped up by nostalgia.

The main reading room, lit naturally with a beautiful skylight.

Green grass to relax away from the hectic city outside.

With tables on the patio for enjoying some outside research.

Interested in cartography? Three rooms just full of maps from all over the world.

And a magazine room full of pop culture, sociology, history, and many other subjects.

Maybe you need a venue for your next lecture. They've got you covered!

Maybe my favorite room in the whole building...
The art of the typed letter is alive in Guadalajara.

And don't forget the kids.
A mini version of the main reading room, which you can see through the windows.

And a poem for the soldiers who used to occupy this space.