It's a big city and I have the fortune of being hosted in the Prenzlauerberg neighborhood for my first month back. I decided to walk around a "3-block radius" of my current home in Berlin to see what gems of the neighborhood I could find.
We start at Schönhauser Alle U- and S-Bahn station. The interconnectedness of Berlin thanks to transit, not to mention the amazing bike network, might help it bump Seattle as my favorite city in the world.
While I've never been much of a comic reader myself, I always appreciate finding sources of the nerd community around.
And then there's this salon across the street from the comic store. The weird rules in Berlin.
Looking south on Greifenhagener Straße, the S-Bahn hides behind the trees, while Gethsemanekirche peeks from behind the branches.
Handmade originals made in the heart of Berlin for child and parent alike.
Grab a drink at Mr&Mrs Späti, then head over to Invictus Tattoos.
No regrets, guaranteed!
Kugler Straße
Simple architechtural features, like these rounded balconies, will always catch my fancy.
Looking north on the corner of Greifenhagener and Kugler, one of the many neighborhood cafes and restaurants invites you for a rest.
And just across the way, an independent theater, one of many in Berlin still holding strong.
Wisbyer Straße and Lewaldstraße
A neighborhood park being enjoyed by young and old alike.
Scherenberg Straße and Kuglerstraße
Erich-Weinert-Straße and Scherenbergstraße
Rodenbergstraße and Scherenbergstraße
Wichertstraße and Scherenbergstraße
So many places to enjoy mingling with your friends and neighbors.

The park on the corner of Stahlheimer Straße and Wichertstraße takes up a full city block, including a cafe, playground, flower garden, and many spots to just enjoy a sunny Berlin afternoon.
The M12 runs through the middle of the neighborhood, connecting neighboods fromWeisensee to Mitte.
Erich-Weinert-Straße and Stahlheimer Straße
A nice place to call home.
Looking east on Stahlheimer Straße and Kuglerstraße
This bakery on Kuglerstaße and Varnhagenstraße boasts of it serving the neighborhood since 1929. An impressive feat for Berlin.
Wisbyer Straße and Varnhagenstraße
Catch the M12 or M13
Wisbyer Straße and Gudvanger Straße
An impressive building covered in climbing vines.
The bees can't seem to get enough
This building across the street from bee paradise seems to be making its own effort to return to nature.
It's the little amenities that make you appreciate a walking tour of Berlin. A simple bench on a quiet street to rest for a few moments can be very welcome.
Varnhagenstraße and Erich-Weinert-Straße show another side to the park and the popularity of bikes as a means of getting around.
The triple intersection of Erich-Weinert-Straße, Gudvanger Straße, and KrügerStraße hosts one of my favorite buildings of the whole walk.
Kuglerstraße and Krügerstraße
Prenzlauer Allee, the street that connects the neighborhood.
Bäckerei on Kuglerstraße and Meyerheimstraße
Bikes and Flowers on Meyerheimstraße and Erich-Weinert-Straße
The busy life of Prenzlauerberg Allee
Neighborhood bookstore will buy your schoolbooks back! Get on that kids!
Zelterstraße and Prenzlauerberg Allee
My favorite ads in the city are always on bikes.
Gotta come to try the 'GOOD VIBES' at Ataya Caffe
And should worse come to worse, a hospital is easily accessible on Prenzlauer Allee and Wichertstraße
The Neuapostolichekirche on Zelterstraße and Dunkerstraße welcomes you.
And what's a neighborhood without a place for the local soccer teams to practice.